Tasks Server Configuration Test

The vast majority of people that have purchased Tasks Pro™ and are taking part in the Tasks 2.0 beta are up and running and have had absolutely no problem with the installation. On the flip side, there have been a few people that haven’t been able to use some piece functionality they really want without fixing a server configuration issue. Sometimes this isn’t a problem, but other times they are running on a hosted server and don’t have access to make the changes. It is a very frustrating experience for both of us.

To try to relieve some of this, I’ve written a small test script that checks the server configuration settings that Tasks Pro™ and Tasks 2.0 rely. This way people can see if it will work on their server before they purchase it.

Download server_check.php.zip (2.8k)

The test checks the following settings:

  1. Sessions – Sessions need to be working so that the login and security work properly. Additionally, session.auto_start needs to be disabled, but this can be turned off for the Tasks install through a .htaccess file even if it is on for the rest of the server.
  2. 401 Authentication – 401 Authentication is used for the iCalendars, RSS feeds and the Daily E-mail Reminders. To use these features, PHP must be able to get the login information from the web server.
  3. File Upload Check – To be able to upload and attach files to tasks and notes, your PHP installation must have this feature enabled. It also displays the current max file upload size fromm your PHP settings. MySQL may have a different size limit, but I don’t check for that at this time. Usually, the PHP limit is the more restrictive one.
  4. E-mail – To receive e-mail reminders and notifications, PHP must be able to send e-mail from the server.

Even if it’s just me using this on a customer’s install in the future, it should save me some time since it will do the basic diagnostics for me.

This post is part of the project: Tasks Pro™. View the project timeline for more context on this post.