Customer Resources

Note: this is one of a series of posts about the creation of the King Design web site.

Having a centralized home for my commercial software has made it easier for me to make resources available to my customers. These resources generally serve two purposes:

  1. Customers can find information they need.
  2. I can send out links to the resources, saving me time in handling support e-mails.

I cover a wide range of issues in the documentation for my software, but there are other issues that fall just outside the documentation realm. Pre-sales questions, download and upgrade questions – if I put these into the documentation, it’s likely that the people looking for the answers wouldn’t find them. They are much better suited for a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list.

Since I’m using WordPress as the backend CMS, adding and updating the FAQs is quite painless. I’ve also got an RSS feed for the FAQs for anyone who might be interested. Having the FAQs searchable is quite important too.

One of the FAQs that I hope is quite useful is the Recommended Hosts List. If you’re using one of the hosts listed here, you can be confident that everything is set up properly for you. In addition, both Austin Web Development and TextDrive have developer programs that give a small amount to the developer of the software their customers are running on their servers. When you sign up, indicate that you are going to be running Tasks Pro™ or Tasks on your account and not only will everything be configured optimally to run the software, but I receive a small portion of the hosting profits. Very cool programs, and a smart way to get developers to drive business to them. 🙂

I’ve also created a Translation Kit to help anyone interested in translating Tasks Pro™ or Tasks to another language. The Translation Kit includes the English file for the current and previous versions of Tasks Pro™ and Tasks. It will compare your translated language files to the English files and indicate any missing straings. It also identifies strings that have changed in the English file since the last release so you can update them (if you are updating a language file). So far this has been quite successful with 7 languages already available for both the current releases of Tasks Pro™ and Tasks.

Just a reminder, I offer a free license to people who submit translations. Contact me for details.

This post is part of the project: Tasks Pro™. View the project timeline for more context on this post.