Google Calendar Thoughts

I’m still pining away for “over the air” (OTA) sync for my BlackBerry and I’ve been thinking more about Google Calendar as a result. Google Calendar is interesting to me because it is basically what I would have built (minus some of the SMS features) had I decided to build a calendaring system. Everything is online, no sync, etc. It is the same choice I’ve made with Tasks.

However, the reason that I’m not willing to use Google Calendar for my own calendaring is the same reason I decided not to build a calendaring system as part of Tasks. Lots of folks have asked for this, but for me sync is a crucial part of a calendaring system.

I rely heavily on my mobile devices. For years it was a Treo1, now the BlackBerry. It doesn’t matter what the device is, I need to be able to enter and access calendar information easily and quickly on the mobile device – with or without internet connectivity.

I really like the Google Calendar interface, the interaction model, the “next n days” view… but until I can sync it with my BlackBerry it is useless for me.

Think Google Calendar will ever offer OTA sync for the BlackBerry?

  1. And before that: Newton, Palm, etc. [back]