Carrington JAM (Just Add Markup) 1.0

We’ve released a new Carrington theme: Carrington JAM

JAM stands for Just Add Markup. We created JAM as a “developer outline” for building a theme on the Carrington CMS theme framework.

It’s basically a completely stripped down skeleton (doesn’t even have XHTML) with placeholder WordPress template tags where appropriate. It functions enough that you can see it working, but is obviously not intended for use in it’s current state. Instead, you can take your site design/markup and add it in where appropriate to take advantage of the Carrington CMS theme framework features.1

This might be something you want to download and bring with you if you are going to be attending my presentation at WordCamp Denver this weekend (and want to code along with the examples).

Get more details and stay up with the latest Carrington news on the Carrington CMS Theme Framework for WordPress web site.

  1. The Carrington CMS theme framework auto-selects templates based on naming conventions, etc. – drastically reducing the logic needed in your theme. [back]