1. Just received detailed instructions for caring for a pink seahorse stuffed animal. Including what to do if she gets hungry or starts whining.

  2. Waiting for Apple Watch

    I know it only seems like everyone I know got an Apple Watch today, but my Twitter feed is full of photos of white boxes. My watch order confirmation shows a 12:06am US/Pacific timestamp, but my order hasn’t even moved into “preparing for shipment” status yet. I saw one note on Twitter that indicated the…

  3. Setting the wp_remote_get() User Agent

    I was recently trying to make some API requests from within WordPress using `wp_remote_get()`, but the site I was asking for data from was rejecting requests from the default WordPress User Agent. I tried to set the user agent to something different, but it still wasn’t working: $response = wp_remote_get($url, array(   ‘timeout’ => 20,   ‘User-Agent’…

  4. Share Icon on Google Homepage

    It was very cool to see the Share Icon on Google’s homepage today. Thanks to Mark for making sure I saw it. This post is part of the project: Share Icon. View the project timeline for more context on this post.

  5. I just happily paid for another 2 years of FastMail1 service for my personal email. I’ve been using them since 2004 and can’t recommend them highly enough.

    1. This is a referral link. 
  6. When using a framework, any framework:

    source code > documentation.

    Always read/reference the source.

  7. Local *.dev and *.app via Dnsmasq on Mac OS X

    I am in the process of setting up a development environment on a new machine and one of the things I decided to do is route all .dev domains to my local (built-in) Apache web server while I route all .app domains to my Laravel Homestead Vagrant environment. To never have to monkey with your…

  8. Star Wars VII, Trailer 2

    The new Star Wars trailer is fantastic. Take a minute to look at the scene by scene breakdown at The Verge. And today the Battlefront game trailer was released. I’m not a gamer, but this looks pretty impressive.

  9. OS X Reviewed →

    Thanks to John for writing the canonical OS X reviews for so long. It sometimes took me weeks to finish them but I always learned things that helped me get more out of my tools. I look forward to hearing his thoughts on the next OS version on ATP.

  10. An Interview with The Dan Plan →

    An interesting Q&A session with the fellow who is testing the Malcolm Gladwell 10,000 hours posit by learning how to golf. I was interested to see he’s a 3 handicap now, about halfway through his journey.

  11. Twitter and What Might Have Been →

    Indeed, I would argue that what makes Twitter the company valuable is not Twitter the app or 140 characters or @names or anything else having to do with the product: rather, it’s the interest graph that is nearly priceless.

    This is a really interesting way to look at Twitter as a business: based on who I follow, searches I do, etc., they know what topics I’m interested in and am willing to spend time on. I agree that this type of “interest” data should be incredibly valuable as it’s own product.