Search Results for: safari

Safari 1.2

It may be time to move over to Safari full time now. Version 1.2 adds accesskey support and with SAFT providing the type-ahead find functionality, it is definitely catching up with Camino. Not everything is perfect just yet though: SAFT needs to be updated to be compatible with 1.2, the current version. UPDATE, new version…

Safari Once Again

I’m trying Safari again as my default browser. I got SAFT installed successfully – I had to download the demo, run the installer, then replace the bundle with the registered bundle. This gives me type-ahead find (though I can’t find an option to find links only) which ironically is broken in the current nightly builds…

One Safari 1.1 Bug Identified

I still don’t have Panther installed, luckily Scott has reduced the problematic HTML which caused the reported flickering in tasks down to a nice test case (Scott’s blog entry). Thanks Scott, I really appreciate it. I’ll be releasing a version 1.8.2 within a week or so to try to work around this. There seems to…

Safari 1.1 Incompatability Reports

I’ve had several reports of display problems with tasks in Safari 1.1 (the notes area flickering in particular). I’ll try to fix them when I get Safari 1.1. I hope they release it outside of Panther soon. If you have some time and find the problem or a work-around, let me know. This post is…

Hyatt on Safari 1.1

I gave Safari a week as my default browser back in August before switching back to Camino. From what Dave Hyatt has posted about Safari 1.1, it looks like I’m still waiting for the features I want, but the good news is some are already done. I guess I’ll be looking forward to Safari 1.2.

Safari Revisited

I’m trying Safari again as my default browser. So far my complaints are the same as they were last time I used it: Limited support for the Title attribute. My cursor aware JavaScript doesn’t work (is this possible in Safari?). Cannot tab to checkboxes and buttons. No Accesskey support. No type-ahead find. Camino isn’t perfect…

Safari 1.0

I’ve very pleased to see that all 3 of the Safari bugs I reported are now fixed in version 1.0. Whoohoo, I can now remove the Safari layout hacks from my apps. 🙂 There is also *some* support for the title attribute (only on links) if you have the status bar enabled (it is off…

Safari beta 2

I’m glad to report that one of the bugs I found in Safari has been fixed in beta 2. Unfortunately, the other two are not so I have to keep my safari image shims in tasks for the time being and my date picker still has mystery buttons. Speed is good. I’m also very glad…

Safari Bugs

I’ve posted 3 test cases for Safari bugs that will likely annoy Safari users who try the upcoming beta of tasks. Case #1: input form elements in content inserted using document.write() lose their value, um… value. Case #2: divs and tables not playing nicely together. This one I will work around for now. Case #3:…

Safari Bug? Or just my code?

I’ve been working this weekend on adding some needed features to tasks. Everything is working well and looking good in IE and Chimera/Mozilla – then I just checked it in Safari… ACK! It appears that my combination of DIVs and TABLEs isn’t what Safari had in mind… stuff is overlapping all over the place. Guess…

Safari Warning!

Read the discussion thread at A must read for anyone running Safari – I’m going to wait until the next release before I launch it again myself.

Egregious mobile ads have finally driven me to use the “Reader View Available” feature in Safari. Good job, ad geniuses.

Local *.dev and *.app via Dnsmasq on Mac OS X

I am in the process of setting up a development environment on a new machine and one of the things I decided to do is route all .dev domains to my local (built-in) Apache web server while I route all .app domains to my Laravel Homestead Vagrant environment. To never have to monkey with your…

Pro tip for Mac users & Wells Fargo customers: the Bill Pay section of the WF website works much better in Safari than it does in Chrome.

Viewing Source on the Nexus 7

If you want to “view source” for an HTML page on the Nexus 7, you can do so in Chrome by prepending “view-source:” to the URL. Example: view-source: This will also work (it redirects to the http:// verision): This also works in the desktop versions of Chrome and Firefox, but doesn’t seem to work…