Site Traffic, De-Lurking

When I first launched this web site, I spent quite a bit of time looking at my traffic stats and referer logs. I don’t do that very often anymore (the novelty has worn off a bit), but it’s nice when I do check to see that the number of daily vists has been steadily climbing each month.

The last time I wrote about this, I had just broken the 4000 visit/day threshold (and 1000 before that). This month, I’m averaging over 10,000 visits/day! 😎

Granted, I’m sure the added popularity of feed readers plus the hosting of the Tasks trials on this site has contributed quite a bit to the overall traffic stats. I should try to get a little more specific with the data at some point.

Also, as I’ve done in the past, I’d like to ask you to add a quick comment on this post (maybe how you found the site, or why you read it) to let me know who is out there. 🙂