WordPress Archives

  1. Request: Alex King Rememberances

    Dear WordPress community, My apologies for the selfish and personal nature of this post. I hope you will forgive me given the circumstances. As most of you know, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2013. One of the things my wife and I are trying to do is put together some information…

  2. Personal WordPress Theme

    I’ve forked the FavePersonal theme to release a few changes that I’ve made to it for my own site. An improved Gallery feature, including support for WordPress shortcode galleries. If you’re uploading photos directly to your gallery post, you can use drag and drop to set the order for them now. The Post Formats admin…

  3. More micro-blogging workflows →

    Manton writes about a few workflows here the follows it up with the post I’ve linked to.

    FWIW I’ve posted to my own site first then passed stuff along to Twitter and Facebook since we released the Social plugin for WordPress back in 2011. Each of my posts has a link to its counterpart on Twitter and Facebook, and reactions on those networks are brought back in as comments on this site. Special handling is done to thread comments based on Twitter’s reply_to property, as well as a retweets, etc. More details about how this works can be found in the blog post I wrote back in January on the Crowd Favorite blog.

    When I’m mobile, I’ve found that using the WordPress admin web interface is better for my needs than the iOS app. Mainly because of additional post meta that I utilize on this site.

  4. Setting the wp_remote_get() User Agent

    I was recently trying to make some API requests from within WordPress using `wp_remote_get()`, but the site I was asking for data from was rejecting requests from the default WordPress User Agent. I tried to set the user agent to something different, but it still wasn’t working: $response = wp_remote_get($url, array(   ‘timeout’ => 20,   ‘User-Agent’…

  5. In Praise of BackupBuddy

    I’m thrilled with my new hosting set-up for this site, however WebFaction doesn’t offer daily backups. I knew could spend the time to write a little script to export my database and pass it along to another storage location, but then I thought of BackupBuddy from iThemes. 5 minutes later I had BackupBuddy installed, with…

  6. WordPress vs. a Roll-Your-Own Blog Engine

    Inspired by Brent’s consideration of an off-the-shelf blog engine, Santiago Valdarrama has written a post outlining the problems he has with off-the-shelf blog engines. What was so interesting to me about this was that a self-hosted WordPress site addresses nearly every one of his concerns. 1) You don’t have to deal with updates to the…

  7. The Race to the Bottom Benefits Platforms (not Developers)

    There’s been a ton of recent conversation in the iOS world about the inability for most indie developers to create sustainable businesses through the iOS app store. In particular, these devs are talking about apps that require larger development efforts – they want to charge more than “impulse purchase” prices for these, and thus want…

  8. Custom Taxonomy as “Post Meta”

    I found this post while sorting through my old drafts and decided to go ahead and publish it rather than trashing it. Hopefully the code samples don’t break too badly in WordPress 3.9. I’ve talked a bit about when to use custom taxonomies and when to use custom fields/post meta (and how they can be…

  9. Colorado Mountain College →

    A pretty cool case study we released last week on creating a WordPress-powered website for Colorado Mountain College.

    This post is part of the thread: Crowd Favorite – an ongoing story on this site. View the thread timeline for more context on this post.

  10. WP Think Tank →

    I will be participating in the WP Think Tank round table discussion next Thursday. The panel group is fantastic – I’m quite looking forward to it.

  11. Crowd Favorite is Hiring

    We’ve got a ton of great stuff going on at Crowd Favorite right now. We are hiring for front and back end web developers, and we just put out a call for junior developers. While our first preference is to continue expanding our offices in Denver, Los Angeles (and Orange County), Las Vegas and Bucharest,…