Link Archives

  1. Designing Twitter Video →

    I love in-depth pieces like this. A lot of TLC went into this feature and it feels nice to use (although when I launched the official Twitter client to check it out I actually had trouble finding it – click into the photo/camera, then you can switch to video).

  2. Ultra-minimal iPhone 6 Case →

    I’ve never used a case for my iPhone(s) previously, but I picked up one of these a few weeks ago and I like it. I particularly like the way the plastic stops at the metal edge leaving the rounded glass edge fully exposed (so you get a nice smooth finger-on-rounded-glass feeling when using the back gesture). Granted this reduces protection, but I mainly wanted something to make the phone less slippery.

    I went with white for my space gray phone, it is pretty translucent and barely lightens the gray color. (thanks Dave)

  3. “It Just Works” →

    I’ve been a Mac user since 1984 and a :scare: power user :/scare: since the late 90’s. I use very little of Apple’s software because I’m not their target audience. In many situations Apple’s software breaks when you push it hard enough; in particular the “it just works” part breaks in some way that cannot be fixed/addressed.

    Apple makes software for most of us, not all of us. TextEdit doesn’t try to be BBEdit and that’s OK. Where things break down is when Apple purports to solve a difficult problem and does so in a way that leaves aspects of it opaque and un-fixable by end users/developers. The initial iCloud/CoreData sync is a great example of this.

    I love Apple hardware. I love the OS. I love the apps that developers create for the platform. All software and all platforms have bugs and problems and I’m OK with that. I don’t think that Apple has any more problems than anyone else. However through 20+ years of experience I also have taught myself to discount and avoid certain Apple features because I have a hunch they will be problematic.

  4. Out of Touch →

    Michael has a good, if somewhat depressing, roundup of the recent Apple bumbles. Once again making me glad I don’t sell in this ecosystem.

  5. Getting Started with BusyContacts →

    Wow! The BusyMac folks sure have been busy! I know, I know… I couldn’t help myself. As a BusyCal user for years I’m looking forward to playing with this, it sounds awesome.

    UPDATE: Wow, I’m blown away. I imported my contacts from iCloud, Twitter and Facebook. It took me 15 minutes to manually link the few contacts that weren’t auto-linked. Then the Combine Linked Cards view (this should be on by default IMO) made all the dupes go away. So cool!