September, 2011

  1. wp_publish_post() Does Not Set post_*

    The inline documentation for wp_publish_post() says that it will: Publish a post by transitioning the post status. and that’s exactly what it does. Moreover, that’s all it does. If you are creating a draft post via wp_insert_post() (or wp_update_post(), which calls wp_insert_post()), certain defaults will be set for you when the post status is set…

  2. Netflix and Qwikster →

    I can only guess that they have some other major business change planned but as of yet unannounced.

    This is pure conjecture, but spinning off the DVD business would be the first step in making it easier to sell off. I recall some articles a while back that talked about how much more profitable the streaming business is than the DVD business. With that in mind, this is somewhat plausible (perhaps in the future if not immediate).

    I’ve got a couple of streaming movies to watch before I plan to cancel my streaming account. I was thinking I’d keep an eye on things and maybe re-enable it in the future when my daughter is a little older, but the split into two services sounds like it will make future account changes like this more awkward.

    Related: Chuck & Beans.

  3. …introducing the “Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch”. Seven word product names just roll off the tongue, don’t they?

  4. Dave Niehaus statue unveiled at Safeco Field →

    The scorebook in front of him is open to the American League Division Series Game 5 in 1995 — the Edgar Martinez double game, engraved with Dave’s actual notes and scoring of the game.

    Dave Niehaus’ voice was the sound of baseball on the Seattle summer nights of my youth.

  5. Wanted: Multiple Incognito Sessions

    Steve laments the lack of easy “Incognito” windows in Firefox. I tried Safari as my primary browser for a few weeks when I upgraded to Lion and I really missed this as well. Once it becomes part of your workflow, it’s really hard to go back. I actually want it to go a step further.…

  6. Yoga For Congo Women – Denver, CO →

    Yoga is an activity that we usually do for ourselves. On this day, we will join together in a yoga practice not to help ourselves, but to save others.

    A great event tomorrow for a great cause; organized by Ann and Matt Richmond (Crowd Favorite’s own). Unfortunately I can’t make it to the event due to a scheduling conflict, but I’ve made a donation.

  7. A bad motivator →

    But in the case of Lucas the changes to the original have been so awful, and the memories he’s tinkering with are held so dear, that it seems a kind of spite is driving him at this point.

    Count me in the “I just want a copy of the original I know and love” camp.