April, 2012

  1. I see three reasons for the Instagram acquisition:

    1. Talent
    2. Idea
    3. Product

    If 1 or 2 are the primary reason, the product dies.

  2. 70% of the Problem

    There was a pretty good tempest in a teacup regarding Readability over the last few weeks. While I’m sure I didn’t exhaust the available material, I did read the articles I linked above as well as a few others. I link to these because they were written by folks I’ve known well by reputation/production (and…

  3. The right balance is between making only the changes necessary while making enough changes to keep things elegant.

  4. Pro tip: If you’re using a string that can be localized as a key in your “next step” code block, you’re doing it wrong.

  5. I had a handful of the songs but somehow I didn’t have the entire Lyle Lovett “The Road To Ensenada” album. Situation rectified.

  6. Spring in Colorado

    The trees fall for this every year; it’s like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football. They blossom too early and get surprised by snow a few days later. IT’S A TRAP!