Feeling Good

Feeling good tonight, I got a lot of stuff done today at work and I have a couple of good (fun) things to work on tomorrow. I just finished up the last major feature for version 1.0 of tasks, my little heirarchacal task manager app. I’ve been using it for the last few months and I’m very pleased with the way it works. I’ve gotten in a lot of usability features and niceties, so it should feel fairly mature for a 1.0 release. I’ll be testing it and finishing up the packaging details but I’ll definitely be able to release it before the end of the year. Heck, I might even write up some documentation for this one!

Actually I do plan to write up some docs for both gallery and tasks. I created a Yahoo! Group as a resource for my gallery app and I’ve got one for tasks for when it’s released. If you need help, that is the place to post a message.

I dropped off a couple of tripods that Eric was kind enough to loan me over the weekend to try out. Eric’s trips and photos were some of my inspiration for getting more seriously into photography as a hobby. I had dinner last week with Eric and Luke (on Luke’s 25th birthday, how ya feeling old man?). Lots of fun catching up with those guys. We all used to work together a year and a half back or so. I wish we’d had a chance to work together a little longer.

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