Sosa Un-corked

Sammy Sosa was ejected from tonight’s game against the Devil Rays after the umpires found cork in his broken bat. I’d have thought that a big strong guy like him would want a slightly heavier bat, not a lighter one…

I think this is the first corked bat incident of a star player since Albert Belle (another big guy, there goes my ‘big guys like heavy bats’ theory). What a shame. I wonder how long his suspension will be – I think it should be at least 2 weeks, cheating cannot be tolerated.

UPDATE: I saw Sosa’s press conference where he claimed this was supposed to be a :scare: batting practice only :/scare: bat. I’ll reserve some judgement until MLB has inspected all of the bats they confiscated of his. Either way, that could be a convenient excuse. Have his reputation and accomplishments been tarnished? You better believe it…