September, 2003

  1. My "alex" Google Ranking

    I generally show up somewhere between 20-25 on Google if you search for "alex" (although today, I seem to have jumped up to #19 and onto the second page of results!). I’d like to get that up a little higher. To that end, I re-attributed all of my comments from "Alex King" to "alex". If…

  2. tasks 1.8 development

    I’ve gotten started on some of the reporting features for tasks 1.8. In a previous post, I asked for ideas for reports that people wanted to see in 1.8. From this feedback, I’m looking at including the following reports: tasks completed during a specified time range open tasks sorted by due date or priority overdue…

  3. Arches National Park

    Here are some photos from Arches National Park. The natural rock formations here are pretty amazing – if you’ve never been to this part of the country, it is definitely worth the trip. On the second day there, I got what may be the best photo of the 1000+ I took on the trip. Unfortunately,…

  4. Apache Redirects

    When you move stuff around your site (say because you upgrade from b2 to WordPress), you should remember to redirect people from the old URLs to the new URLs. Here is the info on how to do redirects on Apache using .htaccess files. (Thanks Scott) Some people forget to do this until other people remind…

  5. WordPress Hacks Updated

    I’ve updated the WordPress Mobile Edition (PDA friendly interface) to work with the current WordPress code. I also made it (almost) XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant. I think this will now work with most phones – can someone test this for me? I’ve also fixed a bug in the WordPress Comments RSS hack. Both of these…

  6. Bryce National Park

    Here are some photos I took in Bryce National Park – the land of Hoodoos. The scenery here is just incredible; it almost made Zion look boring. Looking out over the hoodoos made me think of the rows of warriors in the terra cotta army. Walking down among them was just unreal. I had some…

  7. Around the web

    Development thoughts on Camino .75. Hard to believe Bill is now a model. This is a great real-life usability story. Thanks Nick. A good look at the Bonds vs. Pujols NL MVP debate. Dougal has a idea for filtering spam from blog comments. Dan Cederholm is running a series of semantic mark-up quizzes over on…

  8. Powered by WordPress

    I’ve finally upgraded my blog to run on WordPress! Make sure you refresh the stylesheet or things may look a bit funny. Some of the changes I made during the upgrade: Mark-up is more terse and semantically accurate (still a long way to go on this though). Trackbacks are now enabled Several hacks were updated,…

  9. Zion National Park

    Here are some photos I took in Zion National Park. The canyon walls were pretty amazing and hiking through the Narrows was quite the experience. The first evening we got there, we had these incredible dark clouds with the sun still illuminating the rock walls.

  10. tasks 1.7.2 released

    tasks 1.7.2 is released. This is a small bug fix for mobile version – now prompts for closing comments and confirm on delete from ‘view task’ screen. The demo is updated. This post is part of the project: Tasks Pro™. View the project timeline for more context on this post.