Around the web

  • First YAGNI, now IKIFNI. I’ve been there on this one too.
  • This article about CSS problem solving can be expanded to cover a lot more areas. I often get questions from people along the “it just isn’t working” lines. Well, have you tried to isolate the problem? What is X doing? What is Y doing? You don’t know? Do some real investigating and in the 10% cases where you haven’t found the answer during your testing I’ll be more than happy to help if I can.
  • An excellent read on usability testing (it isn’t a magic bullet).
  • Great quote from our illustrious VP.

    If the Democratic policies had been pursued over the last two or three years, the kind of tax increases that both Kerry and [Sen. John] Edwards [D-N.C.] have talked about, we would not have had the kind of job growth we’ve had.

    — Vice President Cheney, in an MSNBC interview March 2, lending his perspective to the economy’s loss of 2.2 million jobs over three years.

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