Tasks Pro™ 1.5 beta 6

I’ve released Tasks Pro™ 1.5 beta 6.

This release actually has a number of changes, including bug fixes and lots of new documentation.

Changes in this release:

  • Fixed a bug where changes would not be saved to the description of the task template and saving would create a ghost template.
  • Fixes a bug in the notify users functionality.
  • Fixes a bug where deleting tasks from a list (using the checkboxes) would fail if you were not the task owner but still had access to delete the task.
  • Don’t show group selection options in the choose template pop-up if no groups exist.
  • When modifying tasks from a search result list, you are properly returned to the search results (not just the search page).
  • Added documentation about task templates, new icons and updated a number of screenshots.

We’re getting closer to a release candidate, I strongly recommend all beta users upgrade to this version.

This beta will expire on Dec 15th.

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