Tasks Pro™ 1.7.1 and Tasks 2.7.1

I’ve released new versions of Tasks Pro™ (1.7.1) and Tasks™ (2.7.1). These fix a variety of minor bugs in versions 1.7 and 2.7 respectively and are the first versions released under the Crowd Favorite name. I think I’ve caught all the links/name changes but let me know if any have slipped through the cracks.

Here is the list of changes since the previous 1.7 and 2.7 releases:

  • Only send one e-mail to a user per task update (sometimes could send an “updated” and “completed” e-mail)
  • Change URL in e-mails to crowdfavorite.net (password e-mails)
  • When no groups exist in the system, the mailboxes screen shouldn’t show the groups area
  • When only 1 user in the system, the created by/assigned to in a mailbox shouldn’t be editable
  • Login logo links to crowdfavorite.net instead of taskspro.com
  • (none) added to the list of available search items for tags
  • Tag auto-complete is disabled in IE6 due to compatibility issues
  • Dynamically create password fields when user clicks “change password” to avoid browser autocomplete bugs
  • Str to lower the y/m/d date format letters to avoid data input issues
  • Favorites should leave the list if not sticky and 100% complete
  • Function to trim strings is multi-byte aware (if supported by your PHP install)
  • Calendar text in the pop-up calendar is too light w/ dark theme
  • User Permission for editing tasks also applies to editing tags
  • Fixed JS error that would occur when a non-english language was used and tagging was disabled
  • Support for partial hour time differences, 6.5 hours for example
  • Fixed an issue with the build script to make sure proper docs are included in Tasks Pro
  • Dates range searches should all go back to historical date years
  • Typo caused some combinations of status searches to fail
  • Updated ADOdb to version 4.9.4
  • Updated YUI to version 2.2.2
  • Updated PHPiCalendar to version 2.24
  • Disabled some PHP Tag Engine debugging output code
  • Add check for the PHP readfile function and not use it if it is not available

The changes since the release candidate are a new version of PHP iCalendar with a patch to allow URL based authentication to work properly, and changing all King Design references to Crowd Favorite.

As always, these are available for download on the Crowd Favorite download page.

If you have any problems, please let me know in the forums or via the support form. Thanks!

This post is part of the project: Tasks Pro™. View the project timeline for more context on this post.