July, 2012

  1. FavePersonal 1.1

    We’ve released version 1.1 of our FavePersonal theme for WordPress (the theme you see on this site). This release includes the new 2.5 version of the Social plugin as well as updates to Carrington Core and other libraries and code changes to use new best practices added in WordPress 3.4. As a result, this release…

  2. Had cereal for breakfast for the first time since college. Hooray almond milk!

  3. The Conundrum of Email →

    Most people respond quickly to me, so if I respond quickly, I generate the endless back and forth of email. When this doesn’t necessarily show it, I know that when I slow down, there’s less email coming back my way.

    The feature I want most from my email client/service: delayed send. That way I can write replies, get them out of my head, but not have them sent until the time I specify.