Feed Reading: Feedly + Newsify

Before Google Reader shut down I had been using Reeder on the Mac, iPhone and iPad. Since the shut down I’ve tried a few options, and so far the combination that feels best to be is Feedly on the desktop (via web) and Newsify on iPhone and iPad (it’s a universal app).

I haven’t used a web-based feed reader since FeedLounge shuttered, so I’ve been a bit surprised to be satisfied with the Feedly web app. I never got comfortable with Google Reader as a web app. So far, it’s working out – and opening up items in new tabs feels nicely at home in the browser.

I quickly came to prefer Newsify over Feedly’s iOS app as the gestures and features map pretty closely to those I had been accustomed to in Reeder. Poke around in the settings to get it set up as you want – the final step for me was setting “tap and hold” to “mark as read”.

What are you using for your feed reading?