1. Introducing Cache Buddy →

    I love that Mark has released this. This is a problem that many WordPress devs have solved individually. By releasing his toolset, I hope we’ll see it as a base for collaboration that many devs contribute to in the future.

  2. Every Exit is an Entry Somewhere →

    There aren’t many too many jobs available that allow you to influence the strategic direction and decision making process of some of the biggest and most important technology companies in the world – as well as their disruptors, that give you a pulpit to produce public research for some of the best and brightest developers on the planet.

    If you’ve ever even remotely wanted to be an analyst, here is an opportunity to jump in with the best. Bring your A game.

  3. On Reinstating Pete Rose

    I’m starting to see rumblings about Pete Rose’s potential reinstatement and a “he’s suffered enough” sentiment. I frankly just don’t get it. There are clear consequences stated for betting on baseball. Every player knows them. Baseball Rule 21 (emphasis mine): Any player, umpire, or club or league official or employee, who shall bet any sum…

  4. Recommended: seeing Garth Brooks in concert. I was thoroughly impressed by the energy he and his bandmates of 20+ years brought to the show.

  5. The gas station near my house recently replaced all their pumps. The new ones have these wonderful physical buttons (like an old school telephone). It’s a joy to use – physical buttons FTW!

    Physical Buttons

  6. In Praise of BackupBuddy

    I’m thrilled with my new hosting set-up for this site, however WebFaction doesn’t offer daily backups. I knew could spend the time to write a little script to export my database and pass it along to another storage location, but then I thought of BackupBuddy from iThemes. 5 minutes later I had BackupBuddy installed, with…