New Lijit WordPress Plugin

There’s a new and improved Lijit WordPress plugin available for download. This version is one that my company, Crowd Favorite, had the pleasure of helping build.

The new plugin makes it easy for you to enable Lijit search from the default WordPress search box, or you can add in the full Lijit widget wijit if you like.

I use Lijit search on, where I aggregate content from all of the various sites and services I publish content on. The Lijit search performs a search across all of that content – pretty slick.

I’m pretty pleased with the overall user experience for the plugin. It nicely handles set-up for new or existing users, gives straightforward options and instructions, and even brings in your Lijit search stats with a new link on the WordPress admin dashboard.

Many thanks to the great folks we were able to work with at Lijit in building the new plugin. It was a pleasure working with people that care deeply about their users and are also technically astute.