December, 2002

  1. Sporting Thoughts (baseball, fantasy hoops)

    Ryne Sandberg was my favorite baseball player growing up. I played my entire high school career with a his mini-baseball card stuck in my hat. This year he is Hall of Fame eligible and I think he deserves to be voted in. He was the premier second baseman of his time, setting fielding records and…

  2. Feeling Good

    Feeling good tonight, I got a lot of stuff done today at work and I have a couple of good (fun) things to work on tomorrow. I just finished up the last major feature for version 1.0 of tasks, my little heirarchacal task manager app.

  3. Google is cool

    So now Google is offering a free site search service. Looks pretty cool, but it doesn’t seem to have that much of my content just yet. This is basically what I’d put on my site: Search They still have a couple of bugs to work out in their presentation (white text on a white…

  4. Hiding Banner Ads

    I was over at Michel V’s site (creator of b2) last night and found some great code for hiding banner ads (images and flash) with Mozilla based browsers like Chimera (for Mac OS X) and Phoenix (for Windows). I extended it just a little, making it block a few more images sizes that I see…

  5. Obligatory Blog Links

    I really do need to add my list of obligatory blog links to this page. Besides friends sites that I should have linked up here, I recently found a baseball blog that is a good read and from there got to this site which seems like a fun blog; I really enjoy their writing style.…

  6. gallery and tasks on a web site

    I found a person using my gallery software by visiting a referring URL in my server logs. If you do put this or my upcoming tasks software on a web server, be sure to protect the directory with a .htaccess file or anyone can come in and edit your entries. Yes, some security features so…

  7. Single vs. Multiple User Issues

    About to head off to bed after staying too late at work tonight… A discussion in a meeting today made me realize that I’m not doing any concurrent user checking or handing in my gallery and tasks applications. For example, if one person pulls up a photo and adds some information to it and another…

  8. tasks 1.0 Nearing Completion

    I’ve only got a couple of minor items left before going into a bug checking and tweaking phase… I’m using the software fairly heavily and other than a little slow reponse from the DHTML when loading a really big task tree, things are looking very good. I may get this out before 2003. This post…

  9. Golfing at the Presidio

    Went golfing today at the Presidio. Nice course but pretty tight fairways and some holes that looked short on the scorecard played really long because they were straight uphill. Sure is great to be able to go out on the course on December 1st, didn’t even have to wear my vest most of the day!