June, 2004

  1. Voice Recordings on the Treo 600

    One of the things that jumped out at me when I saw the initial Treo 600 specs was that microphone input could be accessed by software. I knew the Treo 600 didn’t come with a voice recorder, but I thought one would appear pretty quickly. I just ran across SoundRec, which does indeed add voice…

  2. Around the web

    Flash movie: The end of the world. (thanks Jim) Web Standards ROI. I’ve experienced similar results – I’m faster at XHTML/CSS now than I ever was with tabled HTML. (thanks Matt) Interesting ideas on scalability schemes from .NET. Five tips for better photo composition. (thanks PhotographyBLOG) Matt has rewritten part of Ping-o-Matic in Python. I…

  3. Tasks 2.0 Trial to Tasks Pro™

    I had someone contact me yesterday to find out if they could take their Tasks 2.0 trial data and get it into Tasks Pro™ instead of Tasks 2.0. Of course, the answer is yes. Tasks Pro™ will upgrade data from any version of Tasks. I’ve had a few more Tasks Pro™ license upgrades (people adding…

  4. Furniture Delivery

    Next week we’ve got some family coming in for a visit so we went out last week to look for some much needed furniture. We bought a patio table and some chairs, a chair and a kitchen table. We bought from different stores and each store would deliver the furniture for a nice delivery charge…

  5. PHP Meetup #2

    I went to the Denver PHP Meetup last night. There were 4 of us at this meetup but I was the only one that also attended last month’s meetup. Quote of the night: Motivated laziness is an important quality in developers.

  6. Photos 4.1b1 released

    I’ve finally released Photos 4.1b1! This has a number of small bug fixes, but the big change is internationalization. Of course, I’ve included the English localization, so you should be able to just translate that, set the language in the config file and Photos should run in the language you’ve created. Send me the language…

  7. JS Quicktags Under LGPL

    I’ve released my JavaScript Quicktags under the LGPL license as planned. This means that anyone (open source projects, closed source, commercial, etc.) can use them. Here is an example page so you can see how they work, and here is the download.

  8. Sprint Coverage

    I stopped by Radio Shack this afternoon to pick up a random cable. While I was checking out, the fellow there asked what cell service I had and if I was happy with it. I told him I had Sprint and that my only complaint was that the coverage was weak in a few areas.…

  9. WordPress Implementation

    I spent some time today working on a WordPress implementation for a political candidate. It’s basically a vanilla WP install fit inside their existing shell, with a few of my hacks: WP Last Visit, WP Photos, WP Unformatted and my unreleased home page caching hack. This was my first extended experience with WordPress 1.2 (I’ve…