Introducing Mike Hostetler

Things have been going well at Crowd Favorite, in fact we’ve been busy enough (slight understatement) that I’ve had the opportunity to bring on another great local developer: Mike Hostetler.

Mike Hostetler

I met Mike a few years ago and we’ve kept in contact with semi-regular lunches ever since. I’m thrilled that we were both at a place where this move made good sense. Since Eric joined Crowd Favorite at the end of May, we’ve been fortunate to have a variety of interesting projects come our way; too many fun projects for Eric and I to handle on our own.

Some of you may already know Mike for his work with jQuery (the JavaScript library we are loving these days) and some of you may know his work with Qcodo and QForge. Or maybe as a Tasks user.

Here is a brief bio on Mike (also on the Crowd Favorite About page now):

Mike got hooked on computers after using a Tandy TRS-80 in the mid 1980’s. He earned his BS in Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin and has been working with the Internet since 1998. Before joining Crowd Favorite, Mike was focused on conceiving new ways to bring web applications to embedded devices and crafting new methods of human-computer interaction.

Off hours, Mike loves spending time with his family and the outdoors, preferably enjoying both at once.

This post is part of the thread: Crowd Favorite – an ongoing story on this site. View the thread timeline for more context on this post.