Twitter Tools 1.5b2

I’ve got a new beta version of Twitter Tools ready for testing. Twitter Tools is a WordPress plugin that creates an integration between your blog and your Twitter account.

This release has a couple of bug fixes (from version 1.5b1) and a couple of new features:

  • fixed a logical bug that made the “exclude replies” option work backwards (oops!)
  • removed a try/catch for PHP 4 compatibility (oops!)
  • added support for hashtags (linked to
  • abstracted all API endpoints and URLs so that it can theoretically support any service that implements the Twitter API

Hopefully this will be ready for a full release shortly, with only minor changes (if any). I guess we’ll find out soon. 🙂

The download and more information are available on my WordPress Plugins page.

If you have any trouble with this, please open a thread in the WP Support Forums and send me the link.

This post is part of the project: Twitter Tools. View the project timeline for more context on this post.