Fool Me Once Browser Extension/App

Wow, I need to remember never to come back here again.

I know I’ve had this reaction more than once when landing on a site. Some web sites behave badly, it’s annoying.

Eric‘s recent tweet reminded me of a conversation Shawn and I had a few months back. The idea is to create a browser extension/app + web service that would do the following:

  1. Block the site at the HOSTS file level (perhaps show a “you blocked this site, remember?” page, with a link to un-block).
  2. Submit the site to a web site/service that would keep a scoreboard of blocked sites – a hall of shame of sorts.

I know someone out there has the time and inclination to build this… the browser/app integration could probably be done with a bookmarklet the same way Pukka does, which would make it a lot easier to build on the Mac side but less portable to other OSes.

So get in touch when you’ve built this ok? I want to use it.