Goals for 2012

I’m not big on new year’s resolutions, but I love any excuse to stop and try to think strategically (instead of just tactically). It’s basically going back to the old Urgent vs. Important matrix.

I have a few things I want to make sure I focus on in my professional life this year:

  1. Publish more. I’ve made progress with posting more frequently here and releasing more code. I’m pleased that I’m getting more stuff out there, but I feel like I can do a much better job explaining how to use some of these tools. My team and I build products with depth and I’d like to do a better job detailing some of these nuances.
  2. Raise the bar. Professionally, there is nothing more important to me than putting out the very best quality products. I’ve got a great team, and I’m excited to see what we can do together this year. I’m going to drive us all to make sure everything we do is the very best.
  3. Manage myself. Constantly make sure that the things I am working on are the things I should be working on. I need to delegate a little more and be more involved in areas I know are particularly important. I need to reduce my distractions and really focus the important stuff.

2012 will be the 10th anniversary of this site and my involvement with WordPress (originally b2); and it will be the 5th anniversary for Crowd Favorite. I’m looking forward to a great year.