November, 2012

  1. Twitter Tools 3.0 Screencast

    To compliment the screencast I did to demonstrate features of Social, I put together a quick (and very rough) walk through of some of the features of Twitter Tools 3.0. I found a bug there at the end. From my testing it looks like a multi-byte string length calculation bug (the apostrophe in is curly),…

  2. Signage

    It only took a year after our remodel, but we finally got a sign up in our conference room. New whiteboards are set to be installed in the next few weeks as well.

  3. Weighing In

    I currently weigh 169 pounds. My weight fluctuates between 167 and 173, but I’ve basically settled into a pretty good range and have been there for about the last three years. It was five years (and ~45 pounds) ago that I first started trying to drop some weight. About three years ago I was plateauing…

  4. Contributors to wp-cli →

    GitHub is the place for developer collaboration. I understand the hesitancy for WordPress to build on a platform they can’t control, but this is where plugin development and collaboration should be taking place. Proud that Crowd Favorite‘s own kidfiction’s contributions are noted here.

  5. Notes on FoldingText

    UPDATE: There’s a nice customer support forum for FoldingText that I found after writing this post – lots of great info there. I’ve updated the content here accordingly. I’ve been trying out FoldingText for the last couple of weeks and have found it to be a good general purpose writing and note-taking tool for me.…

  6. The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

    Winston Churchill

  7. Game Center Handling the Load

    Last week I complained about the performance of Game Center among other Apple web services. I don’t know if the Letterpress activity has tapered significantly or not, but I’m no longer seeing errors when playing. I’m also seeing improved performance in the iOS App Store. I’m impressed that performance has been shored up so quickly.

  8. Can we all agree that this should be called the “stacked hot dog” icon? (one for breakfast, lunch & dinner)