May, 2013

  1. The true measure of a new best practice is how painful it is to return to projects that don’t use it.

  2. Screeny Green Screen Revisited

    I was certainly not alone in my problem with Screeny recording nothing but a green screen. Interestingly I got the same results from Quicktime, which made me think it was a system issue rather than an app issue. When experiencing the issue, I was on my (retina) MacBook Pro disconnected from an external monitor. I…

  3. 100 Invites

    If you’d like to join for free, this link is your huckleberry. There are 100 invites attached to that link, so sign up quickly if you’re interested. I’ve been finding making it’s way into my social stream more and more these days. With the folks I’m following, I’ve seen engagement ramp from around…

  4. My day always brightens a bit when the API I’m talking to will send back JSON data.

  5. GistBox – Organize Code Snippets →

    When people talk about using Capsule for code snippets I think that’s fine, but that’s not what it’s designed for. GistBox is beautiful (appears to be free – no idea how they plan to support it) and finally provides the ability to tag Gists. This is great for code snippets, lousy as a developer journal. That’s the difference between Capsule and Gistbox – both look to be great tools for different jobs (though you certainly can put code snippets in Capsule if you’re also using it as a journal).

    This post is part of the project: Capsule. View the project timeline for more context on this post.

  6. To: Family & Friends

    Date: May 14, 2013

    Subject: Treatment #5, day one

    Hi Everyone– Things are trucking along for me. I had another productive “off” week, while the side effects continued to extend longer from the treatment day. The checkin with my doctor yesterday confirmed that everything is still on track. This is my 5th of 12 potential treatments. Because my cold sensitivity extended for 11 of…


  7. What is a simple screen recording app for the Mac that works with retina? Screeny (my previous go-to) fails, as does Voila. #lazytweet

  8. Software is Like Legos

    Writing software is a lot like building things with Legos; the really cool part is you get to invent/mold/create many of the Legos you’ll use to build your thing. If you create them wisely, everything fits together neatly and you have a lovely creation you can build upon and adapt in the future. If you…

  9. GameTonight, now with Event Times

    I’ve updated GameTonight to show the time of the event. This is also included in the JSON API and Status Board output. No guarantees that the event times are correct, but they are faithfully represented from the data feed. This is something that I put off for three years because I was having all sorts…

  10. Your first step when you think “I want to do a project that involves dates, times and events.” should be to slap yourself in the face.

  11. That feeling when you know you’ve written this piece of code before but can’t remember what project it was for or where to look for it.