May, 2013

  1. @cfree I’m only one data point, but Time Machine has failed for me 100% of the time and SuperDuper! has succeeded for me 100% of the time.

  2. Twitter vs. Feed Reading

    This weekend, Luis wrote about his information diet1 in the wake of Google Reader’s impending closure. While reading his post, I thought about my own feed reading pattern. I hear lots of people say that Twitter has replaced feed reading for them. I don’t think that works for me, for several reasons: I like having…

  3. Why We Should Teach Programming →

    Hadn’t thought of programming this way before but I completely agree. One big example for me is with legal contracts. Thinking of them as “this part does this, this part does that” makes them much easier to understand and negotiate.

  4. Where polyglotism and “right tool for the job” goes awry →

    One of the things I enjoy most is incorporating a good idea from one language/project/etc. into another (obviously, you need exposure to other languages/projects/ideas to do this). You can see examples of this in the code I’ve written that interacts with WordPress and how it’s adopted more of an MVC style over time.

  5. I suppose the upside of spending a few hours debugging something is learning how a bunch of code you didn’t write actually works.

  6. “Dad said ‘no’, but I’m going to do it anyway.” At least it was said cheerfully.

  7. Capsule Hotkeys and Background Queue

    It’s been very gratifying to see people continuing to discover Capsule this week, and seeing it resonate with them. This was typed into the demo earlier today: This software is an example of a thing that everyone wants but doesn’t exist until a great idea suddenly comes and voila! it appears! There are a couple…

  8. Awesome Web App/UI Designer Wanted (Contract)

    My team and I are building a new web application and are looking to collaborate with a UI designer to help us bring it to life. You understand that a great application is one that delights the user with its elegance and ease of use. You have reasons for your decisions and enjoy the opportunity…

  9. Seriously PayPal? I generate a secure 20 character password and I’m not allowed to paste it in? (I used the inspector to hack in the value anyway.)

    PayPal Idiocy

    This post is part of the thread: Passwords – an ongoing story on this site. View the thread timeline for more context on this post.