Projects Archives

  1. GameTonight (for 16 Metros)


    It’s baseball season again, and in downtown Denver that means traffic and bad cell phone connections. We can’t do much about the latter, but be sure to use GameTonight for warning about potential traffic concerns. GameTonight is a single-serving site that answers “is there a game tonight?” and tracks the major sports teams in 1516…

  2. RAMP v1.0.4 Released

    We pushed out an update to RAMP today, our WordPress plugin that makes it easy for you to stage content for review in one environment, then push it to your production server once it’s ready to go. As the version number indicates, this release is primarily to deliver a few bug fixes. Here is a…

  3. Streamline FavePersonal with a Child Theme

    We’ve just released version 1.0.1 of FavePersonal, which has a few minor updates. There’s one in particular that I think will be particularly useful: we’ve added a link to download a the style.css file you need to create a child theme (with your currently selected colors) from the Theme Settings page in FavePersonal. While I’m…

  4. FavePersonal: Colors

    FavePersonal Color Settings

    One of the most fun features of FavePersonal is experimenting with different color palettes. We’ve made it easy to experiment with different colors and find a set that makes your site feel like it’s your own. No need to fiddle through dozens of color pickers, you can choose from full color palettes, preview them, and…

  5. Announcing FavePersonal

    FavePersonal Screenshot

    I’m very proud to announce the launch of FavePersonal; a WordPress theme designed for personal websites. I have been using (and building and testing) FavePersonal on this site since August of last year and I am very pleased with what we’ve created. The features for FavePersonal were driven by my goals for version three of…

  6. Carrington Themes on GitHub

    As part of our move to Git, we now host our WordPress code on GitHub. Carrington Core was moved over a while ago and I finally finished migrating the rest of the themes from their old home on Google Code. The themes are being renamed: Carrington Blog is becoming FaveBlog Carrington Text is becoming FaveText…

  7. Twitter Tools 3.0 beta 2

    I’ve packaged beta 2 of the next generation version of Twitter Tools. Version 3.0 is a ground-up rewrite on top of the Social platform, with a few features included for backward compatibility. If you’d like to test the beta, grab it from GitHub. This version fixes several bugs that were found in our QA process,…

  8. WP_Query by “Standard” Post Format

    When using WordPress post formats, you’ll quickly start looking for a way to query WordPress content by the “standard” post format. This Trac ticket seeks to work on solving this. The implementation there handles URL-based requests: quite nicely. However the code in that patch doesn’t (yet) handle direct WP_Query calls. I was hacking on…

  9. Popularity Contest is Dead (and on GitHub)

    I wrote the Popularity Contest plugin for WordPress back in May of 2005. It had a good run, but that run is over. We are no longer developing or supporting Popularity Contest, and I recommend letting it rest peacefully. Why? It does too much, and too little at the same time. It does too much.…

  10. A Couple of Core Submissions

    Just created tickets in Trac for 2 potential core features: Improved admin UI for Post Formats, with fallbacks (as previously discussed) A post stack switch/restore implementation (useful for developers) Already some good feedback on the latter. This post is part of the project: Post Formats Admin UI. View the project timeline for more context on…

  11. Twitter Tools 3.0 beta 1

    I’ve been working for a while on a version of Twitter Tools that extends Social. Version 3.0 is a ground-up rewrite, with a few features included for backward compatibility. If you’d like to test the beta, grab it from GitHub. Note that this is lightly tested and there is absolutely no information in the README…

  12. Social 2.0 for WordPress

    I’m very excited about today’s release of Social 2.0, a WordPress plugin from MailChimp. This is perhaps my favorite WordPress plugin; it is complex and ambitious, but I love the way it helps build a bridge between social networks and WordPress – a platform where we can really own our data. Social has a couple…