General Archives

  1. Current status: copying ~20,000 photos (dating back to 1999) to my new iPhone.

    I’d love a good iOS photo metadata search app.

  2. After 10 years of living here I’m finally able to get cable internet access to the house (non-Comcast too!). Installation on Monday!

  3. Some years from now I will watch Dead Poets Society with my daughter and hope it means as much to her as it did to me.

    RIP Robin Williams.

  4. Me: Do you want some ham or turkey on your grilled cheese sandwich?

    5-year old: How about bacon?!

    That’s my girl…

  5. Just learned how to use Compare mode in Adobe Lightroom. Why I never bothered to do this in the past I have no idea. Well executed feature.

    Pro tip: click on the Candidate image to have keyboard shortcuts (like reject) apply to that image.

  6. Last night I played sand volleyball for the first time since Jan 2013. Every part of my body is sore.

    I used to do this once/twice a week?