April, 2003

  1. Blog plans

    I ran across this site today which has some good b2 hacks. I’ve intended to create more search engine friendly permalinks and page titles for a while, just haven’t gotten around to it. I don’t think I’ll be using this method for getting the post title into the page title though. I may try to…

  2. Sore Knees

    I played softball last night and 2+ hours of full court basketball tonight – my knees are barking at me. I’ve played baseball (now softball) since I was 6 years old, so picking up after 4-5 months off was no big deal. If I take 2 weeks off from golf my swing falls apart. C’mon…

  3. tasks 1.5 almost ready

    I haven’t gotten any bug reports yet from tasks 1.5 rc2 and I only got a couple of small typo bugs from 1.5 rc1 so unless I hear differently in the next few days, I’ll plan on releasing version 1.5 next week. I can’t resist packing one more feature in for 1.5; I’ve created a…

  4. Frustration

    Today was NOT a good fantasy baseball day for my pitchers – why can’t the closers do their jobs! First Hudson carries a 2 hit shutout into the 8th, the Macha leaves him in too long, Dimitri Young gets credit for a HR that never left the yard and in the 9th, Tejada throws the…

  5. tasks 1.5rc2

    I’ve posted tasks version 1.5 release candidate 2. This fixes a couple of typo bugs and adds support for versions of PHP earlier than 4.1 (not sure how far back the compatability goes) and support for multi-byte character input (tested with Japanese). The on-line demo has been upgraded as well. Please let me know if…

  6. tasks working with Japanese input

    I’ve gotten my first "works for me" (thanks Adam Rice). The only issue is that the breadcrumbs updating live can break with the multi-byte characters… not a huge deal so I’ll have 1.5rc2 out shortly. If anyone has experience with this sort of thing and wants to send me some fixed JavaScript – I’ll happily…

  7. tasks – PHP 4.0.6 and utf-8 support

    Based on some of the feedback from tasks 1.5rc1, I’ve attempted to add support for PHP versions earlier 4.1 (thanks Simon) and asian languages (by setting the content-type to text/html charset=utf-8 in the header). I’d like to see if I can get a "works for me" before I package up version 1.5rc2. Anyone out there…

  8. Pet Peeve: Download Managers in Browsers

    Am I the only one who hates having a whole separate download manager window to deal with? We’ve got trays up the wazoo in Mac OS X, if we must have a download manager, why can’t the download manager at least be in a tray (side tab in Mozilla is fine)? I don’t care if…

  9. Around the web

    Serendipity is a new PHP blogging system with a nice looking feature list. This story is downright scary. Tim Robbins made an excellent and sobering speech about the first amendment to the National Press Corps in Washington this week If you like panoramic shots, check out this very cool web site (QTVR). An article on…

  10. photos version 3.2.2?

    After a little thought, I’ve decided not to do a 3.2.2 release of gallery/photos that includes just a few small bug fixes and compatability with Mozilla browsers and Safari. Instead I will wait until I’ve made the changes to the database that I have planned and get 3.5 out (beta at least) in a few…

  11. Would you like to buy a monkey?

    Last night we had a little fun at Bill’s expense… On a whim, we decided to see if Bill had left registration and posting on in his blog – sure enough, a few minutes later we were posting away on his site. Bill posted about this nice tricycle a few days back so we found…

  12. gallery/photos

    I’ve done a little work on gallery/photos recently and I’ve fixed all of the compatibility problems I knew about with Mozilla/Phoenix/Camino and Safari. Safari’s treatment of the <button> element is not friendly in my opinion. I’ve going to make a few more changes but I expect to release a version 3.3 beta withint the next…