AlmostUnread – Mark Unread for NetNewsWire iPhone/iPad

I’m a fan of Brent’s and I’ve been using NetNewsWire as for years. I use it on the Mac, iPhone (and iPod touch) and iPad. It’s treated me very well.

There’s just one thing that bugs me about the iPhone/iPad version – there isn’t a “mark unread” button. So I decided to do a little something about it.


Introducing AlmostUnread – a (free) one-trick-pony service for iPhone and iPad NetNewsWire users that repurposes your Starred Items as a way to mark things as unread (well, AlmostUnread). It’s not a perfect solution and it’s almost certainly a temporary one, but it works quite well for my needs1 and I think it will be useful to others as well.

It’s just about that simple – I’ll be happy to answer questions in the comments.

  1. I prefer using Delicious or Pinboard to be able to tag things rather than just starring them. [back]