1. Giving Thanks

    I’m taking Thanksgiving this year as an opportunity to thank some people who have helped shape my career. Eric Cheng – Eric and I had the opportunity to work together once his company acquired mine back in 2000. Eric and I were the corresponding UI leads for our companies, and I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity…

  2. I bet the iPhone will catch compact point-and-shoot camera quality before they catch the iPhone in ease of “doing stuff” with the photos.

  3. Take RAMP for a Spin

    We recently added the ability to take RAMP for a test drive before you buy. On the RAMP page, click that “Demo” button to sign up and we’ll set up both a staging and production WordPress site for you – with RAMP installed and configured on both sites. You can log in, create and upload…

  4. Pressnomics 2012

    The inaugural Pressnomics conference was a definitive success. It was a conference dedicated to the WordCamp hallway conversations I enjoy having with 5-10 people at each (non-San Francisco) WordCamp. A “birds of a feather” conference for those of us who make our living in the WordPress economy. I was honored to be asked to speak,…