July, 2004

  1. Help, GPL Clarification?

    I am not a lawyer. I got a request from someone today to create a version of Tasks Pro™ as a module for Mambo Server. Mambo is an open source project released under GPL. There was talk on the WP Hackers list recently that discussed how WordPress plugins had to be released under the GPL,…

  2. Use Tasks, the First Week

    The Use Tasks service has been up and running for a week now, so far I’m quite pleased with the way things are going. As of this writing, we’ve had 7 people already sign up for the lifetime account offer (18 left) and a number of people sign up for month to month accounts. Judi…

  3. Tasks Pro™ 1.2 and Tasks 2.1 Released

    I’ve released Tasks Pro™ 1.2 and Tasks 2.1. These are free upgrades to all Tasks Pro™ and Tasks customers. These changes were made to both Tasks Pro™ and Tasks: Added RSS item limit preference (was set at 10 items, now can go up to 100 items) Added code to handle a request sent after your…

  4. WordPress Plugins

    People seem to have a lot of trouble following the directions included in my WordPress plugins and I cannot offer adequate support, so I’ve decided to make things a little simpler. I’ve taken a stock WordPress 1.2 distribution, installed and enabled all of my plugins in it, and I’m making it available for download. This…

  5. Photos 4.1rc2

    I’ve released Photos 4.1rc2. Changes from rc1: Several strings that were missed in my initial internationalization pass. Big thanks to Peter Schagen who is working on a Dutch translation. IPTC import is working properly again. Thanks to Frank for catching this and posting it in the forums. The date picker wasn’t working because I’d forgotten…

  6. Around the web

    the U.S.S. Mariner on the Mariners-White Sox trade. What should Apple do? I have to agree with Brent. Friendster goes PHP A WordPress plugin to automatically add keywords to your blacklist when you get comment spam. When used to delete unwanted comments, the email address, url, and IP address, and any links in the comment…

  7. php|works

    I’ve looked over the php|works conference with interest. There are some excellent sessions on the menu. I’d probably go to these: Wednesday Introduction to PHP 5 Profiling PHP Applications Best Practices Thursday RegEx Clinic (I need this one, links to good RegEx tutorials gladly accepted in the comments) PHP 5 and XML PHP Session Security…

  8. Daily Routine, Life as an Independant Developer

    It’s been just over 6 months since we moved from the Bay Area to Denver and I switched from a 8-5 (ok, 10-7) job working for a software company to striking out on my own as an independent software developer. In those six months, I’ve gotten my first experience selling software with three major software…

  9. Making a Living

    Recently, I’ve had a few people ask me how Tasks sales are going and if I am indeed making a living selling my software. I’m happy to report that I’m not starving just yet. 🙂 Before I took the plunge, I was a little anxious about leaving the safety of a salary for the unknown…

  10. #2 ‘Alex’ in Google

    I seem to have crept from the #4 spot up to the #2 spot in Google’s rank for ‘Alex’ these days. This is a nice improvement from the last time I checked, of course it’s not quite as good as some folks. I just redid the design of my home page (here is the old…