October, 2004

  1. Fuzzy Little Houdini

    Though I’m home most of the time with the pup, there are times when she needs to be left home alone (it’s also important for her to get used to this). While I was out of town for the day on business last week, she had to be left alone for a few hours at…

  2. Contract Gig

    Some friends from a former life have enlisted my help to work on the UI for a new product they are building. I’ll be working on this a couple days a week for the next few months. I can’t get into many details about the project but it touches a wide range of technologies, which…

  3. Almost Beta Time

    I’m currently using (testing) what I believe will be released next week as the first beta of Tasks Pro™ 1.5. This is good news. 🙂 A beta of Tasks with the new features will soon follow. This post is part of the project: Tasks Pro™. View the project timeline for more context on this post.

  4. Portable Spam Prevention

    A blacklist can be a handy tool for preventing a certain kind of spam; the kind that seeks to gain page rank by having lots of links back to a certain page. It works because the URL is something the spammer must include if they want their spam to have any effect. If you build…

  5. Changing BBEdit Color “Themes”

    In BBEdit, I do my text editing in normal lighting conditions with a dark background and light colored text. In some situations (outside for example) a light background with dark text is a better combination. I’ve been trying to come up with a way to easily switch between my custom colors and the default set.…

  6. Tech Support Troubleshooting

    Three engineers are riding along in a car when the car suddenly sputters and dies. They try to start the car again but it won’t start. The electrical engineer says, “Looks like an electrical problem, probably the starter or the battery.” The mechanical engineer says, “I think it’s a mechanical problem, probably something in the…

  7. Around the web

    A Model License (Tech Law) The Importance Of Strike One (Part One) — The Hardball Times LiveSearch – Bitflux Blog Wiki – pretty neat! (thanks Donncha) 1.3 Cleanup – Amen, my brother. Santana in the Bronx — The Hardball Times – check out the Twins’ “Win Expectancy” throughout Game 1, very cool. Another Word for…

  8. Development Bits

    I thought I’d share a couple development ideas I’ve been using recently recently. I’m interested if others think these are good ideas or if there are reasons to avoid them. In the next release of my Tasks software I’m appending the software version number in a query string for all JS and CSS files (file.js?version=1.2…

  9. Revise Media Offers WordPress Hosting

    Jeff over at Revise Media contacted me recently to ask about putting banner advertizing for his WordPress hosting service on my site. After some quick discussions I decided to stick with the Google Ads instead. I told Jeff that I’d give him a plug anyway and he offered to let me give away three codes…

  10. Professional Face

    I’ve started working on a new King Design web site that will actually have a little content on it. I originally indended to have one page summaries for all my professional offerings, however I started thinking that more of a break between personal and professional sites might be a good move. As such, I’ve been…

  11. Damn Yankees

    Looks like Curt Shilling has a tear in a tendon in his right (push-off) ankle and may not be able to return to pitch again this year. Pedro pitched well enough to win, but didn’t. Now the Sox are down 2-0. Ben Jacobs at the Hardball Times holds out reasons for hope, but also says…

  12. A PHP Case Study Of Sorts

    Marco Tabini is asking for real life case studies for PHP in enterprise. I don’t have anything to offer for publication, but I do have a little story. When I was doing user interface design for a web-based application at a large software company a few years back, I started using PHP for my UI…

  13. Gmail Atom Feeds

    Gmail seems to have Atom feeds now. (more info) Put this address in your feed reader: https://gmail.google.com/gmail/feed/atom When prompted, use your full e-mail address as the username. If your aggregator doesn’t support 401 authentication, you can embed the username and password in the URL: https://username%40gmail.com:password@gmail.google.com/gmail/feed/atom

  14. NetNewsWire 2 to Tasks Script

    I’ve made an updated version of my NetNewsWire to Tasks scripts available. This version works with the new tabbed browsing feature in NetNewsWire 2. If a browser tab is the current tab, it uses that URL and page title, otherwise it uses the selected news item as it did previously. NetNewsWire to Tasks AppleScripts (nnw2_to_tasks.zip…